Sending to a new event top to bottom (UVW?)
I want to disintegrate particle-shapes on a surface top to bottom.
So i voronoi fracture them and then some forces applied have them flying in the wind, so far so good.
But how can I achieve that the desintegration starts from the top and works it way down? I thought property test with texmap (gradient) might be a viable option but I see no way of animating this, surface distance test could also be an option but once again, can't seem to animate the distance from the surface. 
Any ideas?
You can animate a point helper moving from top to bottom and then use an Object Test (set to send out when 'above object') to send particles out to the disintegration event.
(03-23-2022, 09:22 PM)tyFlow Wrote: You can animate a point helper moving from top to bottom and then use an Object Test (set to send out when 'above object') to send particles out to the disintegration event.

Problem is I have 100s if not 1000s of particles that each get split into different chunks, this would need to be done for each particle right?
Very easy bro.
Just use surface test.
It has texture option, that you can copy (instance) paste into the operator, and make sure white (or black) parts of the texture is sending particles into the next event.

I usually use gradient ramp and animate UWV modifier itself, animated.

Here's a quick and simple sample, showing how you can do it.

Attached Files
.max   Surface_test_.max (Size: 792 KB / Downloads: 305)
Thanks for the reply but thats not what Im looking for, I want that effect but on 1000s of particles, so each particle splits into smaller parts and goes to the next event top to bottom.
Your solution would need a box (or similar) for each particle, with unique animation, right?
Im attaching a demo on basicly how I want it to react, but here I manually animate a plane moving thru the particles, I want this to automated and I think that it should be possible based on the UV of the particle, just not sure how.

Attached Files
.max   tyflowtest.max (Size: 664 KB / Downloads: 286)
Ahh.. interesting...
I'll think about it in the morning, or maybe Tyson or someone else have instant answer... it's probably doable with mapping timed to event age.. or some scripting...

As a (quick) workaround, I'd make 5 or more different dissolving sims, Tycache it, and just use these 5 or more animations in shape operator, and trigger animation whenever I want (with global gradient, or whatever)
If you have 1000's of patricles, and use 5 or more variations on them, it should work well, because eye can't really catch all the motion, and notice that some are the same.

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