Loop/repeat between event
Hi all !

I need advise with a setup,

I have a cloth sim like a flag, it react to wind...  (event1)
When the flag is inside a mesh, i want it to react differently, so far so good everything works fine, (surfacetest volume inside->event2 different force setting)
But when the flag is outside i want that the particle come back to the first behavior we had in event1.

How to change the behavior of the particles in 2 directions ? 

I can do an other event  (event 2 surfacetest volume outisde->event3 with same force from event 1 ) but then the flag can't interact multiple time when it's inside this mesh or not.

Can you please help me on how to do that ? maybe with group ??
Thanks you !

oh ! I answer my own question, with an other organisation i can finally connect the 2 last event !
All is working now !

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