object bind and collision
Hi, Is there a way that both object bind and collide will work together?
I have an object with animated noise on it - it's easier (for me) to get the movement of the model this way than from cloth/modify binding.
I start tyflow, create a birth object, a cloth bind and an object bind. so far so good. I want another object to collide with it, be affected by the collision, and still be with the animated noise movement. 
it doesn't work. it's either the object bind or the collision (which I get why that is, I just don't know a way around it).
Any suggestions?
thank you!!
Is this what you want?

Why would you need first Tyflow, where you just basically re-creating the object?
Why not using object itself?

Attaching you above file, hope it helps.

Attached Files
.max   Lock_to_surface_.max (Size: 668 KB / Downloads: 188)
I wasn't what I needed. I managed to do it, but I needed to stop the object bind during the collision - and that's what I tried to avoid.
I'm attaching the video I did from it. you can see that it stops moving during the colliding frames.
Any ideas?
Thank you!!

Attached Files
.mp4   lyso_01_2.mp4 (Size: 6.42 MB / Downloads: 184)

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