Tyflow as Phoenix FD emitter
Hi, congratulation for your work.

I would like to simulate a throw of paint pigments like this:

I want to used Tyflow particles fracturing as emmitter of Phoenix cold smoke.
But I reach to use it only when particles are converted to clothes (cloth bind).

Is there other solutions ?
Thanks a lot,


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You can use the operator called EXPORT PARTICLES and export them as meshes and then select those as emitters in your PhoenixSource Wink

I just tested it Wink
Javi de Prado
Spawned back in the 80s
It Works,
But can't tweak Ty Simulation anymore.

Thanks anyway !

This is almost exactly what I wanted to simulate too (I am doing more a powder paint explosion rather than a throw).

I will try the export particles method! Thanks for the assist.
Isn't this what got added in the latest build?

"* PhoenixFD source can now be set to use tyFlow/tyCache particle shapes as input meshes when tyFlow particle interface is enabled"
Trying to get it to simulate but I must be doing something wrong.

I have a TyCache in, exporting the particles as Tycache files on group A. Got all the channels ticked and exported the files.

Now when I go to simulate the smoke I had set up, it just hangs and doesn't simulate anything.

The Fire PHX Source has just TyFlow001 in it.
Hey, the Phoenix hanging is something I'm trying to solve at the moment...stay tuned for an update...
(04-17-2019, 08:54 AM)tyFlow Wrote: Hey, the Phoenix hanging is something I'm trying to solve at the moment...stay tuned for an update...

Awesome.  Thanks Ty, at least I know I'm not going crazy with the method.

A new build was just posted...please download and let me know if it solves your PhoenixFD issues.
(04-17-2019, 09:33 AM)tyFlow Wrote: Hey,

A new build was just posted...please download and let me know if it solves your PhoenixFD issues.

Ok downloaded an installed.

TyFlow is a burst of particles with an export particle on it.  Set it to Group A, exported the cache, told the PHX Source to look at both TyFlow and the TyCache and it doesn't simulate anything, just speeds through the frames as if nothing is selected.

What is my dumb ass doing wrong?


Ok I got it working. I found if I didn't select a specific export group, that Phoenix picked it up.
Ok.  I really want to use Tyflow for this effect because I want to be able to retime it for speed ramping but I just can't get it rendering like it's Pflow counterpart.

First image is the pflow render I am trying to mimic.

Second image is all the settings, tried to match up everything onto tyflow.

The last image is the Tyflow render but the ring burst is all janky.

Is there a reason Tyflow is coming up as little speccles of cloud like a motion blur has failed and the pflow is giving the correct look? 

The Phoenix FD settings are exactly the same between renders, I just changed the PHX source from the P flow to the TyFlow.

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Are the pflow and tyFlow particles moving at the same speed?

Pflow velocities are in per-second, whereas tyFlow is per-frame. If you just copied your settings exactly, tyFlow will be travelling 30x faster than pflow.
(04-23-2019, 04:12 PM)tyFlow Wrote: Are the pflow and tyFlow particles moving at the same speed?

Pflow velocities are in per-second, whereas tyFlow is per-frame. If you just copied your settings exactly, tyFlow will be travelling 30x faster than pflow.

Ok sorry I forgot a couple of bits are different. 

As you say, the speed is different, I just rolled the spinner down in TyFlow till the ring blast particles were moving at the same speed as the PFlow ones are in camera view.

I also had the motion for the ring burst defined by Spread instead of Speed from Icon Center Out.   Before your update this wasn't working for me but it seems it's been fixed now.  So whatever issue it is having, it's with Spread.  Included an example of the fixed version.

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I'm wondering if you had any joy with this? I might need to do something similar and scoping out the best way to do it.

(04-23-2019, 08:13 AM)Luche Wrote: Ok.  I really want to use Tyflow for this effect because I want to be able to retime it for speed ramping but I just can't get it rendering like it's Pflow counterpart.

First image is the pflow render I am trying to mimic.

Second image is all the settings, tried to match up everything onto tyflow.

The last image is the Tyflow render but the ring burst is all janky.

Is there a reason Tyflow is coming up as little speccles of cloud like a motion blur has failed and the pflow is giving the correct look? 

The Phoenix FD settings are exactly the same between renders, I just changed the PHX source from the P flow to the TyFlow.

Hi, how did you set up your PFD to use TyFlow particles?
I have my Smoke simulator grid and fire/smoke source which takes tyflow/tycache as an emitter and nothing happens...

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Make sure you're using Phoenix 3.14 or above, and that you've exported the Velocity channel in your Phoenix sim.

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