Generative Design with Tyflow
Hello everyone,

I hope you are doing well. I am wondering about the capabilities of Tyflow around generative design. I have been using grasshopper up to now but was recommended Tyflow because the 3D assets are way cleaner and lighter than in grasshopper. 

I want to create a bunch of 3D assets that use the same initial parameters. The difference between these 3d assets would be randomizing the range set on these initial parameters. Attached there is a test in grasshopper of what I want to achieve in Tyflow with a simple prism, modifying the lengths of x y and z.


These are very simple parameters but we would like to evolve them with other parameters, which can include some boolean operations, and/or displacement mapping, for example. Seen people doing videos with this, to create smoke or waves. Is it possible to extract each frame from the animation and export it as a 3d model?

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help

There are a dozen different ways you could go about doing something like that in tyFlow.

Since these are very general questions it's hard to provide an answer that's not just "yes". On the tyFlow download page there is a zip file containing dozens of example files that cover many tyFlow features. It might be a good idea to go through them to get an idea of how tyFlow works.

I would say this much: tyFlow doesn't currently have the ability to do particle-to-particle boolean operations, so that part of your question is a "no", although it's on the internal feature roadmap.

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