Issue - Surface-test => Push in/out
Hi Tyson,

I have a very simple scene: 

I have just Groups scattered on each vertex of a plane and a box used as a trigger for a push in/out. For some reasons, some of groups inside the trigger object aren't affected by the push in/out node. 

I miss something, or maybe there is a different way to do that ? 

Thanks Tyson Smile

Ok. That works with a spread instead of the push in/out. Maybe because the vertex birth mode has no normal information for the push in/out... don't know

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Hmm, we'll it seems like you're trying to use push in/out on a plane...but planes have no volume so what you're probably seeing are the results of rounding errors when trying to cast rays against a coincident surface (within the push operators algorithm).

Unless I'm misunderstanding what you're trying to do?
Thanks for the explanation Tyson. I understand my mistake !

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