PhysX shape compound hull
Hi, I have got an object hanging on a string ( a Christmas bauble)
The string is made using a PhysX shape, bind, etc., and works fine.

The problem is the small ring on the Christmas bauble, doesn't seem
to be big enough for the Physx shape compound hull.... the voxels don't
seem to be working on that small object, is there a workaround for this?

// T
You can shrink the voxel size until they're small enough to fit inside...alternatively you can use the other compound hull methods, like the slice one in the most recent build. That one isn't really dependent on shape size.
Thank you.
I shrank the voxels, and it worked.
I noticed when you shrink them they don't cover the whole object, even if you increase the amount of voxels?
There's also a setting in there to limit the total voxels. Try increasing that.

It's there so that if you have a giant object and accidentally set the voxel size really small, it doesn't generate 100 billion voxels and kill your machine Smile
Ahh ok, thank you. :-)
(10-05-2022, 11:46 PM)tyFlow Wrote: There's also a setting in there to limit the total voxels. Try increasing that.

It's there so that if you have a giant object and accidentally set the voxel size really small, it doesn't generate 100 billion voxels and kill your machine Smile

I can't seem to see this setting.  Is it hidden somewhere?
"Max voxels"
This does not work for me.  Decreasing the voxels size only covers the lower half of the particle, even if I increase the number of Max Voxels.

If you send me the file I can take a look....
(09-15-2023, 02:32 PM)tyFlow Wrote: If you send me the file I can take a look....

Attached Files
.max   Chain01.max (Size: 9.33 MB / Downloads: 177)
Your voxel size is generating too many voxels and is going over the max voxel limit, thus they're getting culled.

Also for your setup using voxel compounds for everything is way overkill. Your geometry is basically just combinations of boxes, tori and cylinders. Use convex compounds for everything except for the parts with actual holes (the torus). If a piece of geometry has both concave and convex parts, break off the concave part (example: the torus) and use a voxel compound for that specifically, then attach it to the other convex parts with a PhysX Bind.
(09-18-2023, 01:31 PM)tyFlow Wrote: Your voxel size is generating too many voxels and is going over the max voxel limit, thus they're getting culled.

Also for your setup using voxel compounds for everything is way overkill. Your geometry is basically just combinations of boxes, tori and cylinders. Use convex compounds for everything except for the parts with actual holes (the torus). If a piece of geometry has both concave and convex parts, break off the concave part (example: the torus) and use a voxel compound for that specifically, then attach it to the other convex parts with a PhysX Bind.

Thankyou, I really appreciate the help.

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