tyflex and forces don't seem to work
I have been playing with the old flex modifier which works with all the forces i used, Displace, bomb, but none of them that i've tried work with tyflex. only wind seems to work. am i doing something wrong? there aren't many options within tyflex so i don't know if it's just lmiited.

Oh yea it's not noted in the docs or anything but tyFlex currently only supports tyFlow forces, as well as legacy wind, gravity and vortex. Mostly related to the fact that legacy forces are not thread-safe. I could add support eventually, just haven't gotten around to it yet.
(01-06-2023, 06:34 AM)tyFlow Wrote: Oh yea it's not noted in the docs or anything but tyFlex currently only supports tyFlow forces, as well as legacy wind, gravity and vortex. Mostly related to the fact that legacy forces are not thread-safe. I could add support eventually, just haven't gotten around to it yet.

Oh okay, thanks!
Hey Tyson! Apologies for resurrecting this thread but I'm currently working on a setup that uses Max's Flex and I would LOVE to switch to using tyFlex for the speed upgrade, however I'm using a Displace force, which obviously tyFlex ignores (as you explained in this thread).

I'm creating some simple stylised water and I have work arounds but is there any way I can use either geometry or helpers to push around the surfaces of an object with tyFlex applied?

If you push the geometry with an underlying modifier and then place tyFlex on top, tyFlex will react to the underlying deformations. But there's still no way to inject those forces directly into tyFlex itself, unless they meet the criteria laid out above.
(08-02-2024, 02:26 PM)tyFlow Wrote: If you push the geometry with an underlying modifier and then place tyFlex on top, tyFlex will react to the underlying deformations. But there's still no way to inject those forces directly into tyFlex itself, unless they meet the criteria laid out above.

Ahhh, that's a great idea. I will try now, thank you!

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