Hi everybody! i am new in ty flow. first, i will explan that i did until now:
1) I have an animation of a waving flag in the FISRT ty flow, and in the SECOND tyflow i create an actor animation and generate some persons with the flag.

So the question is, how can i ramdonize the movement of the flags? I need that the animation of each flag have differents  little movement.

I imagine that i can do two forces with different wind, but can i merge in the same actor animation?

 thanks u!

Watch the video that i attached

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If you bring your actor over as a deforming mesh actor, you can just adjust the playback offset in the Actor Animation operator.
(01-19-2023, 01:50 PM)tyFlow Wrote: If you bring your actor over as a deforming mesh actor, you can just adjust the playback offset in the Actor Animation operator.

oh thanks u! how can i bring over the actor as a deforming mesh? what do i do exactly? sorry im new and thanks u again!
In the tyActor settings there's an option to import deforming animation. This will cause tyFlow to import mesh deformations, which should include the cloth.

If you have trouble getting it setup, post (or send me) the file and I'll take a look.

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