Terrain edge problem
I don't know if is it a bug or if I do some mistake, but always at least one side of my terrain edge has some stretch edge, with/without tile.
Hmm, can you post the file?
Hello again,
For almost all terrain I did try going the same.
They are version 3DS Max 2022, if you need an older format, please tell me.
Best regards.

Attached Files
.max   M8.max (Size: 3.29 MB / Downloads: 120)
So the issue here is that you have a Terrain Warp operator at the end of your operator list, which is set to 'Clamp' at the edges...so when the warp function is sampling near the edges it's clamping the values that go outside, so you're seeing those clamping artifacts.

Normally you'd just switch to 'loop' mode, but that only works if the edges of your terrain are all roughly the same height...in this case, they're not...because your terrain has a slight gradient.

A workaround could be to add a Terrain Tile operator before your Warp operator and set the mode to 'Loop terrain edges'. That will make the terrain tileable by ensuring edges in all directions match the opposite side of the terrain. Then after you can put your Warp operator and switch its mode to 'loop' too.

Attached is a file showing how this is done.

Attached Files
.max   M8_02.max (Size: 904 KB / Downloads: 148)
Thank you so much

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