04-14-2019, 09:02 AM
ive got a fiddly flow with tons of different operators which reference a piece of animated source geometry.. during my tests im constantly swapping the dense final source geometry with low res test pieces to speed things up.
so far the only way i know to do it is to go through , operator by operator, deleting original geometry from the list, and picking the new one.
*if there is already a way to do this, please ignore everything below!!* (and tell me how to do it)
it would be good if, like maps in a material, the geometry in an operator could be instranced to all operators which call it.. (right click geometry in list, copy, paste instance in other operator..)
that way id only need to change it once...
an alternative which might be simpler to implement, some kind of ty_reference object.. you can have a list of objects selected inside this special scene object, with radio buttons to choose which one is passed on.
then in your flow, you choose the ty-reference object in your operators, instead of the actual object you want.
want to change source object for all operators in flow? just choose a diff one in the ty-reference.
this would also be useful for re-purposing an existing flow for a new scene.
have a car wheel smoke flow?
you could have 2 ty-references in the scene, one called "wheels" and one called "body"
when you load into a new scene you just replace the objects onece, in the references... and they would be swapped in every relevant spot throughout the flow.
so far the only way i know to do it is to go through , operator by operator, deleting original geometry from the list, and picking the new one.
*if there is already a way to do this, please ignore everything below!!* (and tell me how to do it)
it would be good if, like maps in a material, the geometry in an operator could be instranced to all operators which call it.. (right click geometry in list, copy, paste instance in other operator..)
that way id only need to change it once...
an alternative which might be simpler to implement, some kind of ty_reference object.. you can have a list of objects selected inside this special scene object, with radio buttons to choose which one is passed on.
then in your flow, you choose the ty-reference object in your operators, instead of the actual object you want.
want to change source object for all operators in flow? just choose a diff one in the ty-reference.
this would also be useful for re-purposing an existing flow for a new scene.
have a car wheel smoke flow?
you could have 2 ty-references in the scene, one called "wheels" and one called "body"
when you load into a new scene you just replace the objects onece, in the references... and they would be swapped in every relevant spot throughout the flow.