08-02-2023, 02:40 AM
Hello. I am trying to reform an object from particles to a cloned object. Basically I have 2 of the same object/geometry. One of them is behind the Cyc wall and unseen from the camera. I want to have particles, not geometry in the form of the object behind the wall and have those particles come from the left and right and top to form the object in front of the camera.
I've been working on using set target and find target and Im slowly getting there, but I do have a question or two.
I don't want the transition from the object to be actual geometry but rather particles that turn into Geometry once they reach their target. How should I go about trying to achieve that? My last question is, I want the transition to be quite dramatic, almost like a tornado or vortex happening and from it , it starts forming the actual object. Is this possible?
Thank you so much for any help.
I've been working on using set target and find target and Im slowly getting there, but I do have a question or two.
I don't want the transition from the object to be actual geometry but rather particles that turn into Geometry once they reach their target. How should I go about trying to achieve that? My last question is, I want the transition to be quite dramatic, almost like a tornado or vortex happening and from it , it starts forming the actual object. Is this possible?
Thank you so much for any help.