Mesh is not colliding

actually a very simple scene, but I am struggling to let the object just sit on the box.

Even with 1/8 and a gravity of only -0,5.

What's the reason? Scene is attached...




.zip (Size: 6.29 MB / Downloads: 104)
You need to include the cache mesh file as well. Right now you included the particles, but not the mesh file, so the cache cannot be loaded properly in order to test your scene. The mesh file is in the cache folder along with all the per-frame cache files.
(09-12-2023, 05:04 AM)tyFlow Wrote: You need to include the cache mesh file as well. Right now you included the particles, but not the mesh file, so the cache cannot be loaded properly in order to test your scene. The mesh file is in the cache folder along with all the per-frame cache files.

I don’t understand, I have loaded the cache into the birth flow. 
What is a cache mesh file?
I have of course in my scene everything, if you mean the second cache file in the cache folder. 
I can upload this file too, later this day, in case I forgot to upload. 
(sent from mobile phone)
You need to include the ***__tyMesh.tyc file in the cache that you upload. That contains the particle meshes. The file you uploaded currently only contains transforms - no meshes. So currently I am unable to load your scene.
(09-12-2023, 11:41 AM)tyFlow Wrote: You need to include the ***__tyMesh.tyc file in the cache that you upload. That contains the particle meshes. The file you uploaded currently only contains transforms - no meshes. So currently I am unable to load your scene.

Attached the sim cache.

(Sorry for forgetting this)

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 8.31 MB / Downloads: 101)
Thanks, your object is falling through because you've set its PhysX Shape collider to Mesh mode. As it says right under the dropdown, Mesh mode is not supported for dynamic particles.
(09-12-2023, 06:16 PM)tyFlow Wrote: Thanks, your object is falling through because you've set its PhysX Shape collider to Mesh mode. As it says right under the dropdown, Mesh mode is not supported for dynamic particles.

Okay thanks! I didn't notice that. This explains a lot trouble I had Wink

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