02-03-2024, 12:32 AM
Hello, in the scene I recorded after Windows Format, pieces of wood were falling down and then they had to be dragged from where they fell and down into the hive chamber. (It was doing this before the format) but when I reinstall the programs and run tyflow, the wood pieces fall down and stay there. (The iron rings you see in the middle part were rotating and taking the wood to the chamber on the right side) As the wood pieces fall from above, they hit these black rings, but they do not drag towards the right side, they stay where they are. (I hope I was able to explain my problem)
Although I did not introduce the rings at the bottom in Physx Collusion, and even though I re-established the scene and made it from scratch, the pieces do not drift to the right, the iron continues to pass through the wood (I tried settings such as frame 1/2, 1/16 etc., I tried to set up the scene again and do it again, I could not integrate the friction force of the iron below with the wood from the format. Before, this was working perfectly, now I don't understand why this happened, what should I do for this??