Cuda collision solver Tyflow Pro vs latest Beta
Hello, I am still using the latest beta version of Tyflow. I just have to produce a 3D animation in which a pallet tower with bottles is to be wrapped with plastic film by a machine. My question is, if I were to buy Tyflow Pro, are there any major improvements in Tyflow Pro, regarding simulation speed and stability with the Cuda Collision solver in the latest version of tyflow pro and are there any other improvements that affect cloth simulations compared to the last beta? Because the Cuda collision solver is not supported in the free version, I have no way of trying it out myself.
Thanks in advance! - Jan
The CCCS itself has not changed much from BETA until now. So if you only require the CCCS for your workflow, you won't see much improvement moving from BETA to PRO, excluding the fact that Threadrippers had thread scheduling issues in the BETA, and are better supported in the latest build (with "pin threads" enabled in the tyFlow CPU rollout). That may offer you a speedboost in your setup if you're using a Threadripper.
Ok, thank you very much for your reply! I only have intel CPUs, no threadrippers, so it won´t help me, if I buy a Tyflow Pro license for this project at least, but I´m going to buy a license anyway in the future!
Tyflow is really a great software, my compliments and keep up the great work! - Jan

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