PhysX Shapes not hitting the ground plane properly
Hi there!
I'm having an issue with my falling PhysX shapes not properly touching the ground upon first impact but after that colliding with it correctly.
I haven't touched any size/collision multipliers and i've already run the sim with 1/16 time steps and 32 substeps but the problem doesn't go away.
I do have the retimer enabled and the issue is slightly less apparent with it disabled but it's still there and visible.
Any idea what could be the cause of this?

Attached Files
.mp4   tyFlow_collision.mp4 (Size: 4.84 MB / Downloads: 68)
If you're using the retimer with a low time step, make sure you enable "cache subframes" as well, or else even though you're simulating all those extra substeps, your retimer settings will ignore them (because the retimer uses the cache, and if "cache subframes" is disabled it'll only be interpolating between whole frame data).
Thanks for that tip but unfortunately it doesn't seem to make a difference in this case.
Also, since the problem also occurs with the retimer disabled that makes me think that the problem has to lie somewhere else.
I'm also pretty confused as to why certain objects collide correctly while others don't, seemingly at random.
Well if you're just wondering why, in general, particles don't always have a visible frame of contact...that's fully expected for any physics simulation.

See the attached image. The 3 steps in the second half of the panel represent calculations that happen in a single time step. Dropping the time step or time scale will reduce the effect, but not eliminate it.

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