Very slow 3dsmax viewport preview with visible tyFlow, even if it is disabled
I have a very simple tyFlow setup, which creates smoke trail behind the missile, with animated texture for particles. The problem is that 3dsmax viewport is very slow when I have this tyFlow object visible, even if it is disabled. If I hide tyFlow object, then I can play animation in viewport in real time again. I cannot figure out such behavior and I expect that if tyFlow is disabled then it shouldn't cause any slowdown to the scene. I think this might be a bug. I have attached my .max file. I use 3ds Max2024.2.3, V-Ray 6.20.02, tyFlow PRO 1.106.
- In attached file try to play animation in camera viewport. It should be very slow, not real time preview.
- Now, turn off tyFlow_HGV_Smoke object and play preview again. Preview should play in real time. Please note that tyFlow object is disabled.

Update. This slowdown is linked to tyFlow object material. If I remove material from tyFlow object then viewport slowdown is gone. It looks like tyFlow updates material even if material is not active in Material Editor and tyFlow object is disabled. Undecided

Attached Files
.rar   2024_tyFlow_slow_viewport.rar (Size: 60.11 KB / Downloads: 81)
Max itself is responsible for all material updates, not tyFlow. And Max internally has no classification of tyFlow objects - other than that they are objects of some sort. It doesn't know if they're enabled or disabled. It just sees that it's not hidden, so it updates the material.
(06-04-2024, 02:32 PM)tyFlow Wrote: Max itself is responsible for all material updates, not tyFlow. And Max internally has no classification of tyFlow objects - other than that they are objects of some sort. It doesn't know if they're enabled or disabled. It just sees that it's not hidden, so it updates the material.

Understood. Thank you!

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