Density by texture wont work properly with VrayMtl + Noise
Hi all
I want to control particle's density with a procedural noise.
So I created a ' VRaymtl 'using noise map as diffuse.
A plane with a 'UVW map'.
And a Tyflow with 'position object' node set on 'density by texture'.

It works but the particles are not positioned exactly on the noise rendered.
They followe a noise but not exactly the same.
It's shifted or distorted but the 2 noise are not similar.

It tested with gradient or a bitmap and then it works well.
I tested with a standard material and scanline render and it also works.

So it looks like it's linked to the VrayMtl...I'll post this on Vray's forum too...

(Max 2025 + VRay GPU 6 update 2.1 + TyFlow 1.114)

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

.max   tyflow map positioning.max (Size: 760 KB / Downloads: 48)

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