tyFlow v1.118
tyFlow v1.118 is up!



* added full MAXScript control over tyFlow event/operator creation and modification (see docs for more info)
* particle-to-particle boolean operations will now account for material ID and mapping overrides assigned to operand B particles
* added sticky setting in tyFlow Debugging rollout to disable high DPI window scaling within tyFlow (affects things like the size of operator icons on 4K monitors with window scaling enabled)
* added material ID override to Boolean operator
* added "Largest N" filtering to Element Fracture operator
* added "relative to custom float" mode to "relative to property" dropdown in various operators
* added "Fracture motion" rollout to Multifracture operator
* tyProp helpers now have seed/frequency parameters for tuning how randomized props are scattered on tyActors


* Boolean operator face classification mode default switched to "fast winding number", which performs better with multiple successive cuts
* improved performance of convex hull particle display mode
* PhysX Shape - sticky starting penetrations are now on by default
* fixed an issue where tySwitcher couldn't be used by tySelect's raycast/camera modes
* fixed an issue where a tyCollection couldn't be added to the Camera Cull operator
* fixed an issue that could cause Houdini to crash when importing an Alembic file exported with "Houdini" naming preset in Export Particles operator
* fixed a regression preventing PhysX particles from being able to bind to PhysX Collider meshes
* fixed an issue where Camera Cull operator timing/filter rollout display was buggy
* tyCarve modifier has been fully deprecated - old scenes using it will still load, but it's not hidden from modifier list (use tyMultifracture modifier in paint mode instead)
* fixed an issue in the Export Terrain operator where resampling the output would generate improper output file names
* fixed an issue that could cause tyMesher to crash when importing certain configurations of particles
There are no words that express enough gratitude for your amazing dedication and work on this, you are my 3dsMax Hero - Thank You Tyson!
Thanks Robert!

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