Phoneix FD Issue - Very Slow
Hello All,

I just upgraded to tyPro and Multifracture is doing wonders.
I have one issue which is driving me nuts.

I have very high mesh resolution fragmentation going on in the scene. And I want to add dust fx on one event.
But when I add that even in Phonenix FD Fire source and get the shape to Particle Shape. The simulation become very very slow even for very low smoke.
Even if the even is cached I face this issue. And If I set it to voxel,size ,etc it doesn't work.

Also, If reduce the mesh quality for smoke simulation of multifracture it changes the simulation animation too. So cant do this.

I saw one Option in tyCache in display rollout. Display as Convex Hull and Display as Bounding Boxes.
But it doesn't do anything with Phoneix FD simulation.
Is there any way for this ?

Also if this display option can be export option, Convex Hull can be used as Particle Source for Dust/Smoke Simulation.

Can please anyone help me with this. 
Because of this issue, I have some projects without Dust/Smoke effects.
(11-10-2024, 06:29 PM)rajpakhare Wrote: And If I set it to voxel,size ,etc it doesn't work.

Have you turned on "enable particle interface" in TyFlow object? 
That way you are exposing TyFlow as regular particles, so Phoenix can understand that it's a particle system, and you should be able to use "particles size" option, and others... 

Apart from above, here's the few things you can try: 
1) Use your TyCache for spawning new particles that you can use in phoenix. 
Create new Tyflow, with regular birth, and then add position object operator (pick TyCache), and scroll down and turn on "inherit object motion". 
Add delete operator, go in the timing options, select particle age, and set start range to 2 or 3 (you just want to burst particles, and delete them right away). 
Finally in TyFlow object, turn on "enable particle interface" so Phoenix can see these particles. 
Use this new TyFlow as emitter. 

2) Use optimized Tycache 
Select TyCache, disable GPU instancing, and add tyconvex hull modifier with "split elements" enabled. You can do it on your initial TyFlow system too. That way you are creating much simplifies meshes for phoenix to work with. 

3) Simple reference flow 
Open your initial TyFlow destruction editor. Right click on empty spot - create simple reference flow. 
You will get new TyFlow system that just replicate the old one, with just 2 operators (for just birthing and following animation). You can disable to inherit shape from both operators, and add a new shape operator with some simple primitive (box, sphere). Add mesh operator, turn off "render only"... and just use that as Phoenix emitter. 

Hope this helps. 
In the future when creating Big destruction scenes, always think in a way to preserve low poly version of sim, not only for the emitting smoke, but you also might need it for some future collisions (with other rigid bodies, or with cloth.. etc).

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