tySplines modifiers general suggestion
Hello I really like the new spline modifiers.

I would love to have a modifier that let me:

- control the order of the splines for the cross section ordering, so i can easily put a crosssection modifer above and go back to control the order;

- control the "tangent" (i don0t know the exact name) of the splines, I mean if I create a spline spiral and I use the sweep modifier, I cannot control how the "normal" of the spline are facing.

[Image: hq720.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEnCK4FEIIDSFryq4qpAx..._TXPEYwnPg]

But i guess it's something that makes sense to have in the edit spline modifier..

Thank you in advance
I don't understand the first request.

As for the second request, unfortunately Max splines contain no knot transform/orientation data - only position. An obvious oversight, but probably not something the Max devs were thinking about when they first implemented splines 25+ years ago. tyFlow's internal splines have per-knot transforms, but that data doesn't carry over to the rest of Max.
(01-21-2025, 08:06 PM)tyFlow Wrote: I don't understand the first request.

As for the second request, unfortunately Max splines contain no knot transform/orientation data - only position. An obvious oversight, but probably not something the Max devs were thinking about when they first implemented splines 25+ years ago. tyFlow's internal splines have per-knot transforms, but that data doesn't carry over to the rest of Max.

Thank you for the quick answer!
Didn't know about the native missing of the knot transform/orientation, thank you for the information.

As for the second request, well I found a solution, thanks to the newly added TySpliner object:

Now I can draw three different splines, add them to a TySpliner, and on this add a Crossection & Surface modifer.
Now I have a geometry generated from the three splines, and i can control them individually (I can edit each spline, but also add modifier on theme like SplineMirror or NormalizeSpline!).
I can also add other splines and move the order inside the TySpliner.

I don't know if now it's clear with this explanation, but it's a turning point for this kind of modelling, in my opinion!
Thank you again and again!

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