Rotate node not work in 1.24?
I try to link value node to rotate node,but seems it not worked,scale node worked fine.

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.max   rotation bug.max (Size: 676 KB / Downloads: 22)
There are a few things going on here, and they're not bugs.

1) The operator at the top of your Value-operator stack (the surface value operator) has its operation set to "multiply" and default value set to "pblock default". This means that the Value operator stack for each spinner you're connected to will get its initial value from the parameter pblock default of the spinner, and will then multiply that by the surface proximity result. The Scale operator's default values for X/Y/Z are all 100 - so that's why scale is working. The Rotation operator's defaults are all 0 - anything multiplied by 0 is 0, so that's why you're not getting a result.

2) Your Rotation operator is set to pivot rotation, so you wouldn't see a result even if the values were being changed properly (you need to keep "affect particle shape orientation" checked)

3) The texmap values sampled by the texmap Value operator will be in the range of 0-1 usually...that's not enough to cause a noticeable rotation change, since the Rotation operator takes its values in degrees. You need to multiply the texmap result by a larger coefficient to get a proper angle value for the Rotation operator. Alternatively you can set the "default value" option in the top Value operator to "from source spinner" and then adjust those spinner values to match the desired coefficient.

Here's a fixed setup:

Attached Files
.max   rotation bug.max (Size: 772 KB / Downloads: 16)
Oh I get it,thank you so much!

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