tycache with frame retimer, particles disapear
Hello Tyson,

Thank you for your incredible plugin.
Maybe I have discovered a problem with the frame retimer on the tycache object.
I fractured a mesh with voronoi fracture. Then the elements fractured fly with a wind.

I exported the particules and loaded the simulation with a tycache object and I inversed the simulation with the frame retimer.
My simulation play from the frame 1000 to 1500. I inversed the simulation from the frame 1500 to 1000 in linear.

If I inverse like that, some particules on some frames disapear without reason.
To fix the problem I inversed the frames of the retimer like that: 1500-1000.1
If I set like that no problem. I don't understand so I think it's a little bug maybe ?

I can send you my scene if you want but the caches are heavy.
Thank you.

I tried to recreate the issue on a simple voronoi setup but didn't see any particles disappearing....if you are able to simplify the scene (or even send me just a few frames of the cache where the problem occurs instead of the entire sequence), I'd appreciate it.

Also make sure you're using the latest version of tyFlow...there was a bug a couple versions ago that affected caches which would cause particles to appear/disappear, which is potentially the bug you're experiencing.

If you're able to send the cache, make sure to include the tyMesh file as well as the problem frames, and just upload to google drive or wherever else and email to support@tyflow.com. Thanks!

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