I see you've added the move to target operator, thanks alot.
I'm still a little bit lost, setting this up.
This is what I've got now:
It works quite well but I'm struggling to control how many blue particles can get linked to the green ones.
There should be at least one and max two particles linked.
I can control it by shrinking the radius of the set target operator.
But below some point I'll get green particles without blue ones and still some with more than 2.
Also, the first linked particle should sit exactly on the position of the green ones but the second should stick to the surface of the first one.
I was trying to use the Move to Target operator but it doesn't seem to do anything I think I'm doing something wrong.
When I use the Move to Target checkbox in the Set Target Operator, every particle will have the position, so when they hit the green box and get pushed into the next event they kind of explode into multiple red particles.
I dont know what you mean by "de-activate particles" how would I do that?
And last but not least, I'd need to be able to know which are the second linked particles to be able to unlink them and let them fall back into the pile. Like in the example above.
Here is the current state:
Tyflow_WheelLinking.zip (Size: 69.25 KB / Downloads: 296)
Excuse my ignorance, and thanks for your help!
EDIT: I managed to ensure only one particle is linked AND it's on the exact position of the green counterpart (by using the checkbox in the Link to target operator)
I had to raise the Time Steps to make it work.
Now I need to link another Particle to some and be able to drop that one back. Almost there