How to control the speed of "Scale" change?
How to control the speed of "Scale" change?

I want to let the particles be smaller and smaller and finally change to zero from 130 to 190 frame.

In "Scale" operator,  I set the "Timing->Range" ‘s value to "130 to 190", and set "Variation" 's value to "60", as follow:


But it is not the effect that I expect.  So how to achieve the desired effect?

.mp4   animation_demonstration.mp4 (Size: 2.26 MB / Downloads: 320)
You don't need to open separate thread for each simple question you want to ask. 
You can keep it all in one thread, because if all users make a new thread for each (simple) question they have, this forum would become mess. 

I already explained you how to do that, and I attached you max file. 
I am not sure what is confusing you here. 

For this particular question: 
(first event) 
Time test - frame 130 to 130 (no variation) 

link to

(second event). 
Scale... just animate scale from 100% (at 130 frame) to 0% at 190 frame
(08-31-2019, 11:42 AM)d4rk3lf Wrote: You don't need to open separate thread for each simple question you want to ask. 
You can keep it all in one thread, because if all users make a new thread for each (simple) question they have, this forum would become mess. 

I already explained you how to do that, and I attached you max file. 
I am not sure what is confusing you here. 

For this particular question: 
(first event) 
Time test - frame 130 to 130 (no variation) 

link to

(second event). 
Scale... just animate scale from 100% (at 130 frame) to 0% at 190 frame

It does not change gradually.
The max file in another thread can not control the time.


.max   particles-2018.max (Size: 1.16 MB / Downloads: 329)
You need to change scale timing to continuous. 
You don't need to make timing on the scale parameters, because after 130 frames, particles are already there. 

Attaching you file. 

You are doing pretty well, but you need to watch out and understand "timing" option in the scale, and other operators.

forgot to attach

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 71.16 KB / Downloads: 270)
(08-31-2019, 02:13 PM)d4rk3lf Wrote: You need to change scale timing to continuous. 
You don't need to make timing on the scale parameters, because after 130 frames, particles are already there. 

Attaching you file. 

You are doing pretty well, but you need to watch out and understand "timing" option in the scale, and other operators.

forgot to attach

Thanks, but I don't understand why the scale change does not occurs between 130-190 frame, but other scope of frame.
Well, it seems that balls completely disappear when scale is around 60-65%. 
I am not sure why this is going on (maybe because of interpolation parameter) 

So I animated to 60%, and extend scale animation to make it as close to 130-190. 
You can tweak it further now, and get more precise... I just quickly did this.
(08-31-2019, 02:45 PM)d4rk3lf Wrote: Well, it seems that balls completely disappear when scale is around 60-65%. 
I am not sure why this is going on (maybe because of interpolation parameter) 

So I animated to 60%, and extend scale animation to make it as close to 130-190. 
You can tweak it further now, and get more precise... I just quickly did this.

I don't understand the logic of the method, and is it approximate? 
In addition, set "sync by" 's value to "event age"  will cause a problem, there is a copy of the whole particles, it appears at 130 frame, it can be seen clearly after about 135 frame.

Is there a method that more intuitive and precise and no side effect?

ok , I get it. another guy said:

"Set scale to zero, set timing to continuous and then play with interpolation parameter (set it to lower value than the default 1) to control the speed of scaling."
Well, if you look carefully in my last post, I also guessed that it might be interpolation parameter. Smile
We didn't had that parameter in PFlow, and I am still getting used to it. 

Probably, we can set this one with some even easier method... but not sure how, at the moment 
Tyflow introduces us some much quicker ways to do a lots of stuff, then it was in PFlow. 

We are all still learning it.
Your Scale operator is set to "Continuous" and "Inherit" mode. This means each frame the previous scale is being inherited, and also shrunk by 60%. This will cause particles to scale to 0 over time.

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