Position Raycast - Light and Camera suppport

It would be cool if you can support a light or a camera as raycast origin object and an option that the the particles get raycasted in the way the camera rays / light rays are shooted. Respecting the directional angle of directional light (max default lights, vray lights, etc.) as well as the camera angle of view.

Thank you and greetings!
You can link your tyIcon to the light/camera of your choice to achieve the same effect.
Linking affects the ray spread angle?
Oh I see, you want the rays to span out along with the camera/lights FOV? Yea, that's currently beyond the scope of the operator.
Exactly, thats what I want. It is how a lot of real world "ray casting" systems work, so I think it would be a good and important addition. Maybe you can slot it in at some point. Thank you.

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