Creating Dust?

I was wondering if there is a way to create a dust effect from particles that represent dirt when they are dumped, using just tyFlow & 3ds Max? I thought about doing it in post in AE but would be a lot of masking. Just looking for ideas. Thanks.
Anyone have suggestions on how to achieve this?
Can you give us some reference on exart dust type you want?
Image or video.

I've created a lot of dust only using TyFlow... but I am not sure if that's what you want.

Yes, something like this were when a bucket dumps out particles of dirt, it creates a dust cloud from the dumping dirt:

I also have another scenario in mind where when a hydraulic broom sweeps dirt on a hard surface it creates dust:

The particle part I have mostly figured out but have been unable to find any tutorials on how to create the dust using just tyFlow. Most seem to want to use Phoenix.
Ok, got it.
Yes, something like that is much easier making (and rendering) with fluid sims, then with TyFlow.

Attaching you a sample scene I quickly created now, that you can use as a starting point.
That same approach I used in creating dust on this sim:

Attached Files
.max   Ty_Dust.max (Size: 760 KB / Downloads: 173)
.mp4   Ty_Dust_Perspective_preview_v001.mp4 (Size: 12.15 MB / Downloads: 209)
OK thank you!

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