Doubled frames in animation
I animate hair (2d cards with opacity) growing along an animated spline.
When I (network) render the result is a bit jagged on some part of the sequence.
It appears that some frame are "doubled", everything moves normaly in the scene execpt the tuflow growth wich sometime stops for 2 frames and then goes on.
The network rendering is over 2 identical PCs so the bug should be regular every 2 frames but it's not.
I tried lowering the Time step without changes.

Is it a known issue?
Is there any solution?
No, that's not a known issue.

I would always recommend caching out a flow before netrendering regardless. Avoids any issues related to different results being generated by different machines.
But rendering local on 1 pc is the same, it-s not a network-only issue.

But rendering local on 1 pc is the same, it's not a network-only issue.
Does the issue occur if you render with VRay CPU instead of GPU?

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