Scale particle on collision
Hi all.

Is it possible to scale a particles size when it collides with an object?

For example, if i birth a sphere that collides with a box , i'd like the sphere to instantly grow by 2%. Then if it collides again the same thing would happen...and so on.
I'm using physX.

Sure, use a PhysX Collision operator to send particles to a scale event when they collide, then send those particles back out to the original PhysX Collision event so the cycle will repeat.
Thank you very much for your reply.

I've done what you advised, connected the out from the collision operator into a new event with scale in it, then i'm not sure how to send those particles back.

Thank you in advance,

Actually, scrap that last reply...i figured it out Smile Thank you for your help
See attached.

Attached Files
.max   bounceScale.max (Size: 724 KB / Downloads: 47)
Oh wow thank you so much for the scene, that all makes sense and i've got my scene working. I've just had a look and it looks like you've altered a couple of the default settings in the operators which i've never looked at before. Just reading into them now in the help docs. Thank you for your help!

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