Layers of simulation precached

When I worked on a destruction I had 5 levels of fractures and different conditions. And I had to wait every time to simulate the whole stack of events when I wanted to adjust or tweak the last event.

My question is if there is some sort of work flow where I would simulate and cache events in layers as they go down so I would have those final layers precached and then I would tweak and simulate the last event (layer) on top and it would be faster because it would have to calculate just this last event.
That's what Birth Flow and Flow Update are for. Import a cached flow into another and the cached flow won't recache when the second flow is updated. Layers can go as deep as you need.
Hmmm I seee.

Thanks I will try it.

Another question

Is there something like a custom switcher I would put my chosen values into so I don't have to go through all the menus and events and I would have 5 final values exposed while I'm tweaking it in my viewport. Like wiring values for a rig.
Not currently, no.

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